I've built a test kernel with bcm43xx wireless support, from
It's a rawhide kernel but it installs and runs on FC4 with --nodeps
It seems to work, with WEP, if I set the ESSID manually -- but only for
Legacy IP; not yet for IPv6 because there are multicast problems so it
doesn't see the router advertisement. And suspend/resume is known not to
work. But it's getting there, and it's already at the point where it
might be useful to some people, and could certainly do with some more
You need to fetch and use the 'fwcutter' tool to get the firmware into a
form which the kernel driver will be able to use -- see the README at
and download from ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/bcm43xx/snapshots/fwcutter/
I'm running Rawhide on my Powerbook. After upgrading to modular X I
noticed a leftover inside /usr/X11R6/bin. It's xmouse from apmud.
Unfortunately I can't find apmud as Bugzilla component, so I send it
this way. The SRPM is also missing in the repositories, btw. Nonetheless
I found it through Google.
apmud contains some files where X11R6 paths are hard coded. I made some
changes and tried my best to keep the whole package working with
monolithic X. Others would say I did nothing else as dirty hacks... ;)
No idea if I caught all glitches. xmouse seems not to be used at all
inside apmud. I don't know if moving it from /usr/X11R6/bin to /usr/bin
breaks something.
The patch is attached and an updated SRPM can be found here:
GSA Proposal Preparation Simplified: Complete Your GSA Schedule Proposal in 24 Hours
Problem: This GSA proposal task is like an albatross around my neck. I want it off but I can't understand the request for proposal and GSA isn't returning my calls.
Solution: Come to our intensive proposal preparation laboratory and complete your GSA schedule proposal in 3 days or less.
Benefits: GSA proposal ready for submittal
Upcoming Dates: January 10 - 12, 2006
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This experience is invaluable for:
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Paying Industrial Funding Fees
Selling using schedules
For more information: http://www.fedmarket.com/seminars/gsa-proposal-elab.shtml
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