I have have two recent G5s, one Quad 2.5GHz G5 PowerPCs and one Dual
2.7GHz G5 PowerPCs. I installed FC5 on them recently and I'm trying to
get at least one of them running dual head.
The Quad has an NVIDIA GeForce 6600. Although there was an issue with
some unreadable text during the graphical install, things are fine post
installation with an increased color depth. From what I read, one head
is as good as it will get. That is, the nv driver will not support dual
head and there is no way to use something like fbdev to run two heads on
one nv card. If someone could confirm this, I would appreciate it.
The Dual has an ATI Radeon 9600T. Under FC4, I'm pretty sure we had the
"radeon" driver working, but regrettably I didn't save the xorg.conf
file. Graphic install would not work and after fighting with all day, we
have it running with the fbdev drivier. Basically we ended up running
the YDL 4.1 install disk and looking at the xorg configuration file they
used to get the graphical installer running.
However, I am assuming that I can't run dual head with fbdev, so now I'm
stuck. If I try to run with the "radeon" driver, the machine hangs. not
just no video, which I've had before with inproper monitor settings, but
complete death as it stops responding to ping and I can't ssh login or
ctrl-alt-del the machine. This seems to be a problem with the "radeon"
driver in xorg 7.0.0, as discussed here:
Anyone out there have dual head working with a PowerMac G5 Desktop and
FC5? I have some older machines I could try if anyone has it working on
a slightly different box.
are there any step-by-step instructions on how to enable bcm43xx
support on Fedora Core 5 ppc? I think the default 2.6.15-1.2054_FC5
kernel should be good.
More usefully, use whatever you have locally as seed and fetch it from
It should hopefully manage to install on the new dual-core G5 machines,
and it also has a rebuilt Thunderbird package, which we've been waiting
for for a number of months. This still isn't an _official_ update but it
does the job.
I'd very much like to hear from you if you tried it on a dual-core G5.
Especially if it worked.