I have 2 questions about the bootloader on the PS3
1) is it possible to change bootloader without going back to the Sony OS?
2) is it possible to have petitboot to ALWAYS boot, even after going back to the Sony OS?
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Hi All,
I have created an updated boot.iso for F11 ppc with the yaboot bug fixed. You
can find it here:
There is no warranty or guarantee it works, but it should help those of you
that couldn't get the installer working on ppc64 machines.
Fedora 11 (Leonidas) was released today. I installed it on PS3 without
trouble, and it works OK. Below are a few notes from my install.
Please report any Fedora installer or Fedora package bugs here:
I put a new release of the PS3 petitboot bootloader that I tested
with Fedora 11 here:
** F11 Installer Startup Notes
* Most users can just use Fedora-11-ppc-netinst.iso or Fedora-11-ppc-DVD.iso
and the default startup options.
* Petitboot doesn't yet support removable media notifications, so to
boot the installer, insert the CD or DVD into the drive on startup
before petitboot starts.
* The PS3 is a 64 bit machine, so choose the linux64 bootloader menu item.
* The 'text' mode of the installer has changed in Fedora-11, and now only
installs a very minimal system. It is recommended to not use text install.
* When using the askmethod option, do to the limited memory of the PS3
anaconda's stage2 image cannot be loaded using http (the URL method).
Only Local CD/DVD, Hard drive, or NFS directory will work.
** F11 Installer Partitioning Notes
* The default partition option 'Replace existing Linux system' works OK.
* The PS3 must have a swap partition setup during install. Otherwise, there
will be an installer out of memory error. 'Replace existing Linux system' will
create a swap partition for you.
* The partition option 'Create Custom Layout' works OK. Use this if you want a two
partition system with ps3da1 as / and ps3da2 as swap.
Recent petitboot releases support booting from ext3 and ext4 filesystems,
so the root filesystem can be either. A separate ext3 /boot partition is
not needed.
* The partition option 'Encrypt system' currently does not work on PS3 (installer
out of memory error).
* Other partition options should work.