Hi All,
So I've started investigating a secondary arch effort for ppc/ppc64 now that
Fedora has officially demoted it starting with Fedora 13. Overall, it has not
gone too bad. Koji was slightly confusing to setup for the first time, but
I had great help from the koji developers and we're still working through a
few issues.
I was able to set up a local koji hub with 1TiB of storage and start doing
builds via koji-shadow on the dist-f12 tag. I have 3 builders running, and I
can't quite keep up with rawhide, but they do make good progress. Adding more
builders would help.
There are some issues though. The first is that due to my ISP blocking port
80, the current setup is not publicly accessible. This is sort of a road
block to making it usable by others, and I'll have to figure something out
on this front.
If we can get that issue sorted out, I have at least 4 builders of varying
capabilities and the Fedora Infrastructure team has agreed to let us migrate
the existing PPC builders on a staged basis. I'm sure others have some
machines that could be added as builders as well and we can work that out as
we go.
Hopefully this is something we can get rolling soon. I'd like to start
building for dist-f13 ASAP, but I need to work out the public access first and
actually hook it up to the Fedora infrastructure so people can submit builds
if they want.