I'm trying to implement a search for customer facing is yes. Not seeing a
flag for this option I have decided to try boolean_query; however, it seems
my results are the opposite of what I would have expected. Perhaps I have
the wrong "field" or I am making some bad assumptions here.
My current query:
bugzilla query -p "Red Hat Enterprise MRG" -t
--boolean_query="cf_cust_facing.notsubstring-yes &
flagtypes.name-substring-mrg-2.4.0 &
flagtypes.name-notsubstring-mrg-2.4.0-" -z "low,medium"
I assumed that the customer facing field was cf_customer_facing based on
the cgi in page source.
My goal is to return only those bugs that are _not_ customer facing.
Can anyone help me correct my query above?
Eric L. Sammons e <esammons(a)redhat.com>lsammons
at gmail dot com
Manager Quality Engineering irc: eanxgeek
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