I'd seen the previous post and response about the comments not being retrieved from Bugzilla 4.4.9-I'm seeing that as well. I did see that another project (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/bugzillatools/0.5.5) does retrieve the comments (I verified that in my case), but python-bugzilla seems more complete to me (and in particular the function for creating new bugs). Any chance the function from the other project for retrieving the comments could be added to python-bugzilla?
Andy Wray
Hi all,
I've seen a couple of reports on fedora-review and now one on pkgdb-cli about
python-bugzilla raising an exception at an unexpected location.
Here is the full report for pkgdb-cli:
As you can see in the stacktrace:
>> BZCLIENT = Bugzilla(url=RH_BZ_API)
>> BugzillaError: Login failed: The username or password you entered is not
>> valid.
This is surprising to me for a few points:
a) It is not passing any username/password
b) If the username/password are invalid, I would expect to not be authenticated
but not that it raises an exception.
After trying to replicate the issue in a python shell, the exception seems to be
gone but another is thrown in:
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bugzilla/base.py", line 1203, in query
r = self._query(query)
Fault: <Fault 32000: 'The cookies or token provide were not valid or have
expired. You may login again to get new cookies or a new token.'>
Here as well, iirc it is possible to query a bug with python-bugzilla without
being logged in, so I would not expect this exception.
Could it be that the recent bugzilla upgrade confused things a little?