I cloned the python Bugzilla git repository from
I am trying to update a custom field for multiple bugs. I am using Bugzilla
CLI as follows:
./bugzilla --bugzilla [Bugzilla Server Name] --login --username [UserName]
--password [Password] --ensure-logged-in modify [bug IDs] --field [Custom
Field name]=”[Custom field Values]”
I get the following error each time I execute:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./bugzilla", line 37, in <module>
import bugzilla
ImportError: No module named Bugzilla
I have python 2.7.5 installed.
What am I missing? Please help.
I am facing the same problem.
I have installed the python-bugzilla package and I am using the PyCharm IDE.
This is the code I have:
import bugzilla
bz = bugzilla.Bugzilla(url="https://bugzilla.kernel.org")
I get the following error when I run this code:
AttributeError: module 'bugzilla' has no attribute 'Bugzilla'
I appreciate any kind of help here.
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