perhaps this is a stupid questionI am connnection to our bugzilla box with following code. ---import bugzilla as bugtickit_user = ""pw = "test"ticketNR=438557b3 = bug.Bugzilla3(url=",password=p... = b3.getbug(ticketNR)prio = tick.priorityreporterid = tick.reporter_idresolution = tick.resolutionstatus = tick.statussummary = tick.summaryversion = tick.versionseverity = tick.severityteam = tick.cf_team_raisedresolveremail = tick.cf_resolveruseragent = tick.bugzilla.user_agentcomponent_id= tick.component_idreporter_id= tick.reporter_id print prioprint reporteridprint resolutionprint statusprint summaryprint versionprint teamprint resolveremailprint useragent --- But how to get all the other comments etc from the bug ? There are many more . when I execute the in browser I see a lot of more infos about all comments / bugs / etc. How to get all the comments from the other users in bugzilla related to this ticketNR ? thanks. thomas
On Mon, Jan 06, 2014 at 03:27:52PM +0100, thomas heidkamp wrote:
perhaps this is a stupid questionI am connnection to our bugzilla box with following code.
---import bugzilla as bugtickit_user = ""pw = "test"ticketNR=438557b3 = bug.Bugzilla3(url=",password=p... = b3.getbug(ticketNR)prio = tick.priorityreporterid = tick.reporter_idresolution = tick.resolutionstatus = tick.statussummary = tick.summaryversion = tick.versionseverity = tick.severityteam = tick.cf_team_raisedresolveremail = tick.cf_resolveruseragent = tick.bugzilla.user_agentcomponent_id= tick.component_idreporter_id= tick.reporter_id print prioprint reporteridprint resolutionprint statusprint summaryprint versionprint teamprint resolveremailprint useragent
But how to get all the other comments etc from the bug ? There are many more . when I execute the in browser I see a lot of more infos about all comments / bugs / etc. How to get all the comments from the other users in bugzilla related to this ticketNR ?
Can you repost your code into something more readable? It is hard to see where the error is in the long string of code.
Thanks, Don
thanks. thomas
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