I know the answer to this but would like to officially hear it please in case I am missing something.
We are running a bot to set the PM score hourly, it generates a lot of email noise where it is a bit redundant since the score change is driven by other changes like a severity update, etc.
Is there any way to suppress these emails for pm score changes?
Thanks, -Dave Johnson
On 05/10/2017 03:34 PM, Dave Johnson wrote:
I know the answer to this but would like to officially hear it please in case I am missing something.
We are running a bot to set the PM score hourly, it generates a lot of email noise where it is a bit redundant since the score change is driven by other changes like a severity update, etc.
Is there any way to suppress these emails for pm score changes?
Not that I know of, I don't see any sign that the xmlrpc API has an option to suppress email for bug changes. I suggest contacting RH bugzilla admins, bugzilla-requests@redhat.com, I think there's non-API ways to do what you want
- Cole