Hi everyone,
I'm happy to announce the release of RHQ Agent Plugin Plugin!
Plugin Plugin? Yes. Plugin Plugin: a Maven plugin to help you build RHQ
Agent plugins.
It provides a handful of very convenient mojos for:
* Packaging
* Validation
* Deployment to a local RHQ Server (dev-container)
* Uploading to to a remote RHQ Server
* RHQ CLI script or command execution
* Standalone Plugin Container setup for integration tests
Dependent agent plugins are supported (many plugins depend on the parent
JMX plugin, for example).
The RHQ Agent Plugin Plugin documentation [1] is hosted on Github Pages
and the bits are available on JBoss Releases and Maven Central repositories.
Next week I will start to update agent plugins POM files in RHQ master
If you need help to get started with your own plugin development, feel
free to reply.