Is there a mechanism to restore a platform that has been removed from the inventory? What about its manually added resources?
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Restoring a platform is basically the same as the initial import. The RHQ Agent must be running on the target machine and will then put an entry in the Discovery Queue for you to import. Manually imported resources would need to be manually imported again since uninventory assumes you want to get rid of the root resource (in this case the platform) and all of its children. In general uninventory is intended to remove "Down" resources from inventory that no longer have a physical counterpart. Meaning, for example, a machine has been decommissioned or a server has been permanently removed.
On 11/22/2010 12:05 PM, Al Amyot wrote:
Is there a mechanism to restore a platform that has been removed from the inventory? What about its manually added resources? ...Al
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