What does an exitcode of null from a script imply?
When using the Script plugin, I usually see an exitcode =-999 if the script cannot be executed (e.g. its not found).
Executing the same Script plugin using the Execute operation and the same arguments as on the Availability check, returns the expected output. But those same arguments executed on the Availability scan, returns the following. Has it timed out?
CLI results: exitcode=[null]; error=[null]; output=<cr><lf>
Al Amyot
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What does an exitcode of null from a script imply?
Read the Javadocs on the getExitCode() of the ProcessExecutionResults class to see when exit code will be null:
/** * If the process finished, this is its exit code. Its numeric value has specific meaning that is custom to the * operating system and the program that was executed. * * <p>This will be <code>null</code> if the process was never waited on or if the wait time expired before the * process exited.</p> * * @return process exit code or <code>null</code> if it could not be determined * * @see SystemInfo#executeProcess(ProcessExecution) */ public Integer getExitCode() { return exitCode; }