I created my content-source and my repository and associated them. I used the generatePackageIndex() method from SimpleIndexParser class to generate my index-content.txt file. Can check it here: http://svn.rhq-project.org/repos/rhq/branches/HEIKO-EXP/modules/enterprise/s... because it is not created by default.
I checked in the content-index file to my svn repository. But when I sync I get no data. I also tried with a local folder but I've got the same output:
Wed Nov 17 03:00:00 ARST 2010: Start synchronization of Repository [repoSVN] Wed Nov 17 03:00:00 ARST 2010: Getting currently known list of content source packages... Wed Nov 17 03:00:01 ARST 2010: Removing...0 Wed Nov 17 03:00:01 ARST 2010: Adding...0 Wed Nov 17 03:00:01 ARST 2010: Updating...0 Wed Nov 17 03:00:01 ARST 2010: MERGE COMPLETE.
Lazy load enabled for source [prueba], skipping package bits sync for repo [repoSVN] Wed Nov 17 03:00:01 ARST 2010: Repository [repoSVN] completed syncing with no errors.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance, Ezequiel.