Hello Lukas - Thank you for the suggestion. I didn't think about that but now I do have a follow up question because I think that it is a good idea. How about this. Instead of using a single map to define the scheduled job I can use the list (as done is the custom server plugin sample) and always have a single map entry as a default. Then using the ControlFacet feature, the user can add a new entry to the scheduled map list (which they will have to fill out later). So basically the idea is to use the ControlFacet's invoke method to insert a new job schedule definition or whatever that is called and then allow the user to set the parameters for that new entry under the server plugin definition page. Now the question is: I can get access to the Server plugin context but what should I use to insert a new schedule definition record from the invoke method within the Server Plugin Component? In other words is it possible to programmatically modify the rhq-serverplugin.xml on runtime (i.e. while the server is running)? If so, are there APIs that I can use to do this (i.e. do the CRUD for the job definition)? What I want to do is grab an existing record, clone it and just change its name and save it as a new instance of the schedule, which the user can later be presented with in order to set the parameter values for that new job instance. The reason I am going this way is that there is now way to know how many records to insert to begin with and so having the option of adding or deleting would be the best way to approach this. Is this feasible with the current design of RHQ? Note: if it will help I can send you my code so you can take a look at it and see what I am talking about.
Also on another related note I have a question with regard to how the server plugins are deployed. What class are you guys using to deploy the plugins (i.e. when the plugin jars are placed in the plugins folder, what class are you using to deploy them to the jboss as server). The reason I am asking is that I am writing an arquillian test for my plugin and I am having issues with the deployment manager that the arquillian container adapter is using because it is not expecting a jar by itself as a deployable module unless it is an ejb (which the server plugin are not) so I was wondering about how you guys are doing this under the hood so I can take a look and see how to work around that with Arquillian.