I have a requirement to send alert notifications to an incident management system. I see that I can customize the the alert emails but is there a way to remove the "!" marks from the alert priorities? I just want to send High/medium/Low
Al Amyot | Consultant Sierra Systems
(eHealth): 204-926-4257 (T): 204-942-2575 (F): 204-942-2047 444 St. Mary Avenue, Suite 1050 Winnipeg, MB R3C 3T1
Management Consulting | System Integration | Managed Services website: www.SierraSystems.com http://www.sierrasystems.com/
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Not at this time. The email template, although tokenized (and configurable by re-positioning the tokens in alert-email-template.txt) will always print the toString of the AlertPriority enum, which today is "! - Low", "!! - Medium", and "!! - High". Honestly, the exclamation points are unnecessary, and I just removed them in master (commit 9264d30). The new values are "Low", "Medium", and "High".
On 11/24/2010 03:55 PM, Al Amyot wrote:
I have a requirement to send alert notifications to an incident management system. I see that I can customize the the alert emails but is there a way to remove the "!" marks from the alert priorities? I just want to send High/medium/Low
Al Amyot | Consultant Sierra Systems
(eHealth): 204-926-4257 (T): 204-942-2575 (F): 204-942-2047 444 St. Mary Avenue, Suite 1050 Winnipeg, MB R3C 3T1
Management Consulting | System Integration | Managed Services website: www.SierraSystems.comhttp://www.sierrasystems.com/
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Am 24.11.2010 um 21:55 schrieb Al Amyot:
I have a requirement to send alert notifications to an incident management system. I see that I can customize the the alert emails but is there a way to remove the "!" marks from the alert priorities? I just want to send High/medium/Low
As the version with "!" removed may take some time to become available in form of a binary release, it is relatively easy to write an alert-sender plugin, that may server your needs better than sending / parsing of emails (e.g. via REST).
Have a look at http://javablogs.com/Jump.action?id=547110 and also at the official documentation for JBossON.
If you write such a sender, please give us feedback how it turned out.
I have the code for an alert sender plugin that writes messages to a specific log file using Log4J which we have used to successfully integrate with HP OpenView. I can upload the code when I have some time available. Although as Heiko says it is pretty trivial to code if you are a developer.
The sender was specifically written with your use case in mind as most incident management systems have log scraping as a core capability. Also it gives you an audit trail of the alerts you've sent to the other system for free :-)
Steve Millidge Director C2B2
Providing the foundations for Enterprise Scale Java.
T: 08450 539457 M: 07920 100626 W: www.c2b2.co.uk E: smillidge@c2b2.co.uk
-----Original Message----- From: rhq-users-bounces@lists.fedorahosted.org [mailto:rhq-users-bounces@lists.fedorahosted.org] On Behalf Of Heiko W.Rupp Sent: 10 January 2011 10:11 To: rhq-users@lists.fedorahosted.org Subject: Re: Priority configuration
Am 24.11.2010 um 21:55 schrieb Al Amyot:
I have a requirement to send alert notifications to an incident management
system. I see that I can customize the the alert emails but is there a way to remove the "!" marks from the alert priorities? I just want to send High/medium/Low
As the version with "!" removed may take some time to become available in form of a binary release, it is relatively easy to write an alert-sender plugin, that may server your needs better than sending / parsing of emails (e.g. via REST).
Have a look at http://javablogs.com/Jump.action?id=547110 and also at the official documentation for JBossON.
If you write such a sender, please give us feedback how it turned out.