I've just configured a Tomcat server in RHQ and have two questions:
1) It appears you can't graph response times. From some of the past discussion, it appears this feature was removed as being not useful. Is that true?
2) According to the RHQ 3.0 release notes:
It is now possible to do alerting on Call Time data ( Session Bean method stats, Web response times). This has been contributed by Frank Brüseke (Univ. Paderborn).
I don't see call time as an option on the Alert Definition page and HTTP Response Time is not in the Metric drop down list (it IS enabled on the Monitor->Schedules page). Where /how can I configure an alert on HTTP response times?
Al Amyot | Consultant Sierra Systems
(eHealth): 204-926-4257 (T): 204-942-2575 (F): 204-942-2047 444 St. Mary Avenue, Suite 1050 Winnipeg, MB R3C 3T1
Management Consulting | System Integration | Managed Services website: www.SierraSystems.com http://www.sierrasystems.com/
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On 11/05/2010 05:07 PM, Al Amyot wrote:
I've just configured a Tomcat server in RHQ and have two questions:
- It appears you can't graph response times. From some of the past discussion, it appears this feature was removed as being not useful. Is that true?
Correct. The graphs were nothing more than bar chart representations of the numeric figures. So instead what you'll see today is a tabular format that you can sort on min / max / avg / count columns.
- According to the RHQ 3.0 release notes:
It is now possible to do alerting on Call Time data ( Session Bean method stats, Web response times). This has been contributed by Frank Brüseke (Univ. Paderborn).
This is still considered an experimental feature. Log in as rhqadmin, go to administration>configuration, and turn on debug mode. Once that's done, navigate to any resource that supports response time metrics - you should see the new options when creating an alert definition.
I don't see call time as an option on the Alert Definition page and HTTP Response Time is not in the Metric drop down list (it IS enabled on the Monitor->Schedules page). Where /how can I configure an alert on HTTP response times?
Al Amyot | Consultant Sierra Systems
(eHealth): 204-926-4257 (T): 204-942-2575 (F): 204-942-2047 444 St. Mary Avenue, Suite 1050 Winnipeg, MB R3C 3T1
Management Consulting | System Integration | Managed Services website: www.SierraSystems.comhttp://www.sierrasystems.com/
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