we have just made a new developer preview release of RHQ available. This release features a lot of changes and improvements in the UI, that is rewritten in GWT.
Major new features: • Improved LDAP support • Default dashboard improvements • Improved Resource Inventory support • Breadcrumbs no longer used • I18N • New Help section: Docs from the www.rhq-project.org are now available directly through the app. The dashboard also links out to the site to gather links to the latest RHQ News. For information on www.rhq-project.org privacy policy, see here: http://www.rhq-project.org/display/RHQ/Privacy+Policy • GWT-based user and role edit views finished • Metric and Alert template views converted from JSF to GWT • Much improved MySQL plugin (by Steve Milidge)
More detailed release notes can be found here: http://rhq-project.org/display/RHQ/Release+Notes+4.0+DP2
Please check out this release and give us as much feedback as you can. Also we are very interested in getting more translations
The release can be downloaded from the link within the release notes
Thanks to everyone who contributed. Heiko (on behalf of the RHQ team)