Dear All,
Fedora 21 launch was held at IDA Labs during the Red Hat Challenge event on
17th December 2014. Harish gave a talk on Fedora 21 and I did a small demo
on deploying Fedora 21 in cloud. There were 200+ attendees.
Harish manage to get DVDs on time though Fedora 21 DVDs for APAC still
stuck in Europe due to postage cost issues.
*New Contributors:*
I would like to introduce Yitch (copied in CC list) from IBM Singapore who
willing to help us on community building activities. We met him at the
Fedora 21 launch event.
*Mailing list:*
Please subscribe to singapore(a) mailing list and we
will continue our further discussions in the mailing list.
* <>*
Appreciate Roy Ong for his support on domain registration and provided
hosting facilities.
*Fedora Ambassador Tshirts:*
Please collect your Fedora Ambassador Tshirt from Harish Pillay before we
host our next event. (Please note that tshirts are available on for those
requested before the FAD APAC 2014 event.)
Wish you all Mary Christmas and Happy New Year!
Note: This mail cross posted in fedora-ambassadors list.
Danishka Navin
Dear All,
Fedora 21 launch was held at IDA Labs during the Red Hat Challenge event on
17th December 2014. Harish gave a talk on Fedora 21 and I did a small demo
on deploying Fedora 21 in cloud. There were 200+ attendees.
Harish manage to get DVDs on time though Fedora 21 DVDs for APAC still
stuck in Europe due to postage cost issues.
*New Contributors:*
I would like to introduce Yitch (copied in CC list) from IBM Singapore who
willing to help us on community building activities. We met him at the
Fedora 21 launch event.
*Mailing list:*
Please subscribe to singapore(a) mailing list and we
will continue our further discussions in the mailing list.
* <>*
Appreciate Roy Ong for his support on domain registration and provided
hosting facilities.
*Fedora Ambassador Tshirts:*
Please collect your Fedora Ambassador Tshirt from Harish Pillay before we
host our next event. (Please note that tshirts are available on for those
requested before the FAD APAC 2014 event.)
Wish you all Mary Christmas and Happy New Year!
Note: This mail cross posted in fedora-ambassadors list.
Danishka Navin