Hello Fedora Ambassadors in SG,
There are some upcoming events and things that we will need to settle.
*IoT Hack @ SG*
As discussed during FAD 2015
<https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Singapore_2015/Events>, we will be
organising a Hackathon in mid 2016 (early May). Your input with regards to
this event is appreciated: http://piratepad.net/RTbNFk93ZD
Timeline and date of this event needs to be finalised before 28 December.
*Update of APAC material list*
As mentioned 3 weeks back, the APAC material list has still not been
updated. For those who have any materials related to Fedora, please add
your items to the list so that Fedora APAC can keep track of these
materials: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/APAC/Materials Thanks.
Please mark your calendars and reserve these dates: March 18th - 20th 2016.
I might not be able to attend for the first day as I have school activities
on. Do let everyone know your availability to attend this event.
Thanks everyone and have a merry Christmas! :)
Best Regards,
Woo Huiren