
We have the need to add password (not account) expiration in ldap and I see that sssd supports pwd policies. What's the recommended way of achieving password expiration keeping in mind the following:

* currently there are no shadow attributes defined ( all users have shadowAccount objectclass but no attrs like shadowExpire / shadowMin / shadowMax )
* upon the user logging in , if password is going to expire in a few days, display a message to the user ( pam_account_expired_message , pam_pwd_expiration_warning ? )
* is sssd-1.12.4-47 rpm recommended or better sssd-1.12.5-3 ?

I found out the hard way that I need to define shadowExpire to -1 otherwise users get rejected with 'account has expired' message in sssd debug mode but perhaps my settings are wrong. What shadow attributes does sssd look for in the openldap tree ?

pam_pwd_expiration_warning = 21
pam_account_expired_message = Account/password expired, please use selfservice portal to change your password and extend account.

# Account expiration
ldap_account_expire_policy = shadow

# Password expiration
#ldap_pwd_policy = none
ldap_pwd_policy = shadow
ldap_pwdlockout_dn = cn=default,ou=policies,o=Hostopia,dc=hostopia,dc=com
ldap_access_order = filter, expire

pwd_expiration_warning = 21

Seems that I should be looking at src/providers/ldap/ldap_opts.h & src/providers/ldap/sdap.h .

Thank you,
Mario Rossi