Yesterday, I updated my PC from fedora 30 to 31. The update turned out to be problematic, and now I could only boot into the 'emergency shell'.
Fedora installation disk layout is like this: All partitions are LUKS encrypted, root (/) is (directly) on LVM on a SSD. /home and /opt are stratis managed (HDDs partition SSD cached).
Investigations showed the following: boot into 'emergency shell' is because /home could not be mounted. However, I have problems to recover stratis both from the 'emergency shell' and from the fedora 31 live cd.
In 'emergency shell' stratisd warns that there is no DBus. Hence the stratis cli is of no use. I have not found a way to successfully start DBus in the 'emergency shell'.
From the live cd, I could install stratisd and stratis-cli. But it is not possible to start stratisd with systemd (some IO Error, permission denied).
In chroot from live cd to my installed root (/) it is not possible to start stratisd because systemd does not allow this in chroot.
So, has somebody an idea what to do to recover the system?
(Cross posted on as well)