Full legal name: Oksana Kurysheva City, Country: Moscow, Russia FAS user name and language to translate: avienda, Russian Profession or Student status: I work in VDEL company (www.vdel.com) as consultant and also study at Moscow Institute of Physics and Engineering (www.mephi.ru). You and the Fedora Project: I would like to translate documentation for Russian users. Historical qualifications: I use Linux for 4 years, my first distro was Slackware Linux 10. After emergence of Russian Fedora I use it and try to do something helpful to make it better. GPG KEYID: 0B7083EA fingerprint: pub 1024D/0B7083EA 2009-09-22 [expires: 2012-09-21] Key fingerprint = BB60 DBF0 5D5D 3D04 B034 9724 8CE5 F258 0B70 83EA uid Oksana Kurysheva oksana.kurysheva@vdel.com sub 2048g/07814CE4 2009-09-22 [expires: 2012-09-21]
Hi there!
2009/9/22 Oksana.Kurysheva@vdel.com:
Full legal name: Oksana Kurysheva City, Country: Moscow, Russia FAS user name and language to translate: avienda, Russian Profession or Student status: I work in VDEL company (www.vdel.com) as consultant and also study at Moscow Institute of Physics and Engineering (www.mephi.ru). You and the Fedora Project: I would like to translate documentation for Russian users. Historical qualifications: I use Linux for 4 years, my first distro was Slackware Linux 10. After emergence of Russian Fedora I use it and try to do something helpful to make it better.
Welcome aboard! We're always glad to see new contributors.
BTW the working language for this mailing list is russian, mainly.