Доброго вечора,
Може хтось допомогти дружньому дистрибутиву?
З повагою,
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Від: "Holger Wansing" <linux(a)wansing-online.de>
Кому: translation(a)linux.org.ua, kde-i18n-uk(a)kde.org,
Тема: Re: [Kde-i18n-uk] Debian refcard: call to update translation for
Дата: Fri, 27 May 2016 21:43:10 +0300
[ Forwarding mail to more wide-area mailing lists, since previous
did not answer. Sorry for cross-posting. ]
Holger Wansing <linux(a)wansing-online.de> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We have recently updated the content of Debian refcard for Stretch.
> Since the last translator for your language (in CC) did not respond, I
> would
> like to ask, if you are willing to take the time to update the
> translation
> for Ukrainian.
> That's only 12 short strings to translate for Ukrainian, so not much
> work!
> A browseable web interface for the subversion repository can be found on
> http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/ddp/manuals/trunk/refcard/
> You can checkout the source code for refcard with
> svn co svn://svn.debian.org/svn/ddp/manuals/trunk/refcard refcard
> Or feel free to drop me a mail, I can sent you the po file via mail,
> if you prefer.
> Please file a wishlist bug against the refcard package, or sent the
> file directly to me, when you have the translation ready.
> Feel free to ask, if you have any questions.
> Many thanks
> Holger