On Sun, 22 Mar 2020 at 08:19, Patrick O'Callaghan <pocallaghan@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, 2020-03-22 at 00:25 -0400, Earl Terwilliger via users wrote:
> Hi,
> I've managed to use the kickstart files to create a Fedora 31 KDE live CD
> without any problems.
> Actually I have a simple python script which conglomerates all the KS
> files together to make it easier to deal with. Then I customize it and
> have it copy some files into the /var/www/html directory.

Maybe these need to be protected.

> I am now trying to see what is necessary to have it encrypted (with Luks)
> so it prompts for the password at boot time.
> part /boot --size=512 --fstype=ext4
> part / --encrypted --cipher=aes-xts-plain64  --size=8200 --fstype=ext4
> Those commands don't seem to make it encrypted.. Is encryption ignored for
> the livecd? Am I not doing something correctly, or is this not possible?

I'm curious. What would be the point of encrypting a live CD? It
doesn't contain any user data.

A custom CD could certainly contain secrets, but encrypting the whole
CD seems like overkill.   How hard is to make a live CD using a loop file
for a directory with secrets?

George N. White III