It's been said that this question get's asked at least once a day. Well,
here's the daily question, but with the reason's I'm asking it.
When is the web page going to be updated?
From the sounds of the standard reply, it sounds like it isn't going to be
updated for at least 3 more weeks.
You know what, that's not good enough.
I don't even care if the web page is updated saying it isn't going to be
updated for 3 weeks, there has to be something.
Because the ending of the errata for the RedHat 7.3 release is comming closer,
really close actually. My management wants to know what we're going to do
about it. Buying the Enterprise stuff is not an option.
We were just starting work on alternatives when the RHL web page went up. All
our work stopped and we started shifting over to maybe working with the RedHat
community. But ... well as everyone knows, that got pulled out. A mailling
list is not a community.
My management is not going to accept my answer that 'I read it from some
redhat guy on the mailling list' they want to see it on a web page. A policy
isn't a policy if it's only on some mailling list. (I know that isn't
entirely true, but think of it from managements perspective)
So, we have basically turned and are looking for different alternatives again.
That includes different distributions. That's not a threat, it's just
something we have to look at because RedHat is no longer (at least in
appearance) giving us what we need.
So ... I've aired my grievance ... I feel a bit better, but I would still like
the question answered because I keep getting asked the same question over and
Troy Dawson
Troy Dawson dawson(a) (630)840-6468
Fermilab ComputingDivision/CSS CSI Group