Please note. This is NOT a 'when will the website be updated' e-mail
Since this is sorta the community list, I'm sure others in the community are
curious how well RedHat weathered the storm. I looked through redhat's web
pages, and the other community mailling lists and didn't see any mention.
Did RedHat's headquarters get missed by the storm, or did ya'll get plasterd?
Were you part of the area that had power outage, or storm surge?
Any fun stories you'd mind sharing?
I know I could look up RedHat's address and then compare where the storm when
and so forth, but I had a hard enough time figuring out if my neice was hit or
not, that I thought I'd ask. Besides, you can't get any fun stories is you
find out that way.
If you have something better to do, then don't bother responding to this
e-mail, but if you're someone there that has a few minutes, there are those of
us out here that are curious.
Troy Dawson
Troy Dawson dawson(a) (630)840-6468
Fermilab ComputingDivision/CSS CSI Group