> The topics I'm going to cover, in no particular order, are:
> - Sniffers
> - Viruses
> - Port Scanning
> - Fingerprinting
> - Unnecessary open ports
> - Bad software configuration (web servers, databases, mail
> servers...)
> - SQL injections
> - Buffer Overflows
> - Use of google as a information gathering tool.
> - Firewalls
> - DOS attacks
> - Brute force attacks
> - Cryptography.
> - Cross site scripting
> - Man-in-the-middle
> - Intrusion Detection Systems
> - Honeypots
> - Identity Spoofing
> - Social Engineering
> - Gathering information from trash/rubbish
> - Physical security in buildings. Access to the building, cable
> sniffing, secure ID's...
> - And more.... ;-)
With this list of topics,
How many days long is this presentation going to be?