I'm running FC3 (updated) on a handful of machines.
I have a single IP address, with a NATing router set to that
address. I have a domain, and an MX which points through
the router at my mail server (or rather, the router is configured
to port-forward 25, 143, etc to the mail server).
I also have several mail clients on my 192.168.1.x network.
The issues are the following:
* the clients have a smart host (DS) defined as the mail relay,
but they canonical its name and then look it up in the DNS,
trying to contact it on the external IP address (and not its
internal 192.168.1.x address in the /etc/hosts file). My
/etc/nsswitch.conf file is unmodified.
* the clients then try to relay the email with a sender's envelope
address as user(a)host.my-domain, which the relay rejects
because "host.my-domain" doesn't resolve in the DNS.
* I should probably have define(`LOCAL_RELAY', `:$S') to
handle forwarding everything to the mail server.
I used to know all of this stuff once upon a time...
Am I missing anything?