I am wondering if anyone else is seeing this:
My setup is mail servers are F16 vms hostest on F16. My router has
tproxy with squid on F16, many clients are on F16. File servers are
Samba4 on F16.
I am not sure which of the last two glibc versions is the culprit
(although I am leaning toward the last). However, since one of them,
connections to my mail servers hang for a bit. It takes a while for git
to connect to remote git trees (not just gitweb, but git as well). All
web connections hang for up to 30 seconds when starting the connection.
Once connected everything goes fine.
It isn't DNS, as tcpdump shows it happening at normal speed/places (or
it seems so). Squid was updated, but the problem showed up as soon as
the new glibc was allowed to work (restarting daemons) and isn't limited
to just http traffic.
Am I alone in this?
Thank you,
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that enough good men
do nothing." -- Edmund Burke