I reinstalled Fedora 18 with KDE and I notice a change in
the order in which directories and files are displayed.
In some applications, the sort is now case sensitive, so
that all the initial capitals are listed before the initial
lower case names. Previously, the names were sorted without
case sensitivity.
I see this behavior in Firefox, Thunderbird, Acroread and
others. There are other application where the file dialog
sorts files using a case insensitive sort, like Dolphin, k3b,
or kget.
I edited kdeglobals to add "Sort case insensitively=true" to
the [KFileDialog Settings] section. This should be the
default. It did not make any difference.
Any suggestions on how to set the file name sort order?
Michael Eager eager(a)eagercon.com
1960 Park Blvd., Palo Alto, CA 94306 650-325-8077