Hi all,
Just had an inexplicable (to me) event occur.
Accidentally typed "ctrl-alt-l" which caused a logout from my runlevel
5, but did NOT shut down the running processes.
I was left with 6 running VMs, a host (not a pun) of other processes and
a login prompt. Once authenticated the only thing that changed was that
the login box disappeared. (beginning to hate that blue background,
reminds of somebody else's bsod)
I can ssh in from a remote but am hosed from the local console. No
tty's available. No where to go, move along Lookie Lou.
I always wondered how to log out and leave everything running awaiting
with bated breath my eventual return. Now I know. But just how do I
get back in?
New one for me. Anybody out there that has found their way to the
center of the earth and managed to get out???
Please, insight, magic key codes, valium...
Mike Wright