This is a bit long:
installation on a laptop:
boot live system and select install to disk
The screen brightness is adjustable by only two steps and the screen is
way too bright at almost maximum.
The built-in dedicated graphics card is not used but not switched off,
either. The resulting power drain would make it impossible to complete
the installation on battery power.
Language selection is confusing because you have to discover the
Continue button, which is located out of sight far off at the right edge
of the screen.
Tapping on the scratchpad doesn`t have any effect (should simulate a
mouse click). Scrolling with two fingers doesn`t work, either. At
least the scratchpad is working (fortunately, it does have buttons).
Keyboard selection should be a step within language selection rather
than an extra step.
Network configuration doesn`t have any way to enter the IP address.
Installation Destination ... The disks show up, but how the hell do I
create a software raid-1 from them?? There are no options to do
anything like that. Well, I`ve selected the disks now, which is pretty
weird and confusing. I want to create a raid and not select them.
Why is the Done button so inconveniently placed at the left top of the
screen? Why not out of sight like the Continue button, or better, under
the "Add a disk" button ...
The installer claims I have 659.36GB of free space, which is
incorrect. The disks I have selected are shown as 715.40GB each (which
is about right), which makes 1430.8GB and not 659.36GB.
Why is LVM a default "Partition scheme" (whatever that means)? I have
no use for lvm.
Let`s say "I want more space" ... and "Standard Partition" (whatever
that is) and "Encrypt my data and set a passphrase later".
Continue and I`m asked for a passphrase! That was supposed to happen
LATER, not NOW ... So enter a passphrase ... Now I can either "Cancel"
or "Save Passphrase". Seriously? Where is my passphrase saved? I
suppose I could as well write it on a sticker and glue it to the monitor
Hm, ok delete all partitions. Now I could begin the installation. But
how do I install on software raid-1?? Why can`t I do that and partition
the disks after I deleted all partitions? Is the installation now going
to proceed without partitions?
So select a destination again ... and to review/modify the partitions.
Now it`s asking me a passphrase again --- wasn`t that saved? There are
dots in the entry fields, so which passphrase is it using? Better enter
that again ... and save it to where ever :(
Now I can apparently create mount points. Why would I create mount
points before making a raid and before creating partitions?? Why can`t
I just press the + key rather having to click the + button?
I don`t like this installer ...
Hm, now I can only create a mount point but no raid :( It says at the
bottom that two storage devices are selected, which looks like a link.
And when I click on it, it shows two disks in a window, one of them is
marked as "Boot".
Why can`t change that? I don`t want to boot from that disk ... So
perhaps let`s make two small partitions to be mounted as /boot, one of
which is going to be a mirror of the other. Perhaps the installer then
finally lets me create a raid-1 ...
Hmm ... let`s make that 512M ... There we go, finally I can say that
this partition is supposed to be RAID --- which probably doesn`t work
anyway, but since it`s allowed, I make it RAID-1 with ext4.
+ swap 64GB: Is that going to be on the raid or what? It says sda2, so
apparently not :( Now fiddle around to get the swap on the raid
... which seems actually easy to do, same as with /boot.
+ /usr, 16GB, RAID, ext4, encrypt
Now why does the swap partition displayed after /usr rather than before
it where I put it??? Anyway ...
+ /usr/local, 8GB, RAID, ext4, encrypt --- why does the cursor disappear
when pressing the Tab key rather going into the "Capacity" field? Why
does nothing happen when I press Return after entering "8G"?
Strange, the available disk space on the left disk is decreasing while
the it stays the same on the right one. Where is it going to put the
+ /var, 512GB, RAID, ext4, encrypted
+ /home, 8GB, RAID, ext4, encrypted
That`s ok so far, I`m done. ...
WOW! The settings I made are going to destroy devices! They don`t only
destroy data and partitions, they actually destroy devices. Should I
accept that?
Let`s see ... Hm, why is it asking me for the passphrase again? At
least typing it so many times helps me to remember it.
But now there is an error with checking the storage configuration.
Hm. Ah, hm, I don`t have defined a root partition. Modify Storage
Layout ...
Ugh. Do I seriously have to start all over again?? :((((
Great, I must enter the passphrase again ... What was it saved for
earlier? Or wasn`t it?
But at least I don`t need to start over with the partitioning :)
+ /, 8GB, RAID, ext4, encrypted --- that the Tab key doesn`t work is
really annoying ...
Done, destroy devices, enter passphrase again --- this now annoys me,
There is no way to tell what passphrase is going to be used because the
entry fields are full of dots, so you have to enter it all the time.
Either omit the dots or don`t keep asking. If not asking, add a button
to change the passphrase.
Finally I can begin the installation. This took about an hour so far.
And so far, this installer is WAYYYY better than the Fedora ones I`ve
seen before. Lots of thanks goes to the developers!
But only so far. The installation finished, and I can`t boot. Only
thing I`m getting is a dot at the top left of the screen and a blinking
cursor underneath.
Now what? Enter the passphrase? That doesn`t have any effect. Have
some devices been destroyed?
Fedora release 20 (Heisenbug)