On 08/01/15 18:07, Joachim Backes wrote:
> On 01.08.2015 12:02, Ed Greshko wrote:
>> On 08/01/15 17:47, Joachim Backes wrote:
>>> seems, LINUX is full of sound: Trying to write /boot/vmlinuz... to a
>>> data CD with k3b. If I drag such a file to the "Data Project" subwindow
>>> of k3b, it is identified as audio file, and the CD burning is rejected.
>>> Same with files like initramfs...
>>> This happens at least with k3b-2.0.3-3.fc22.x86_64.
>> I don't have a write-able CD to put in my drive. But, I did the following...
>> 1. Started k3b (same version you have)
>> 2. Clicked on "New Data Project" 2 panes appear in the lower portion of k3b
>> 3. Navigated to /boot
>> 4. Dragged a vmlinuz file to the right pane Type shows as "DOS/Windows Executable"
>> 5. Dragged a initramfs file to the right pine Type shows as "Raw disk image"
>> I gather you're seeing something different?
> See my attached dektop!
I sent Joachim a snapshot of my k3b, off list, showing my "correct" view and indicated I only get what he shows if I click on "audio" project.
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