On 14/05/16 18:58, Pittigher, Raymond wrote:
> ________________________________________
> From: Robin Laing <MeSat(a)TelusPlanet.net>
> Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2016 8:25 PM
> To: Community support for Fedora users
> Subject: Par2cmdline with non normal characters.
> Hello,
> I am trying to run par2 to repair an archive that has an apostrophe in
> the name. Not a single quote. This archive was created on Windows.
> File name should be
> Joe’s file.part01.rar
> If I do ls I get
> Joe?s file.part01.rar
> ls -b I get
> Joe\302\222s\ file.part01.rar
> Running par2 *.par2 runs par2 cmdline but all the files are missing and
> par2 says all the files are missing.
> Target: "Joe’s file.part01.rar" - missing.
> Target: "Joe’s file.part02.rar" - missing.
> Target: "Joe’s file.part03.rar" - missing.
> Target: "Joe’s file.part04.rar" - missing.
> Doesn't see the repair files either.
> How can I escape these characters or run the program? I have searched
> for a day to see how to run this program. I have seen others ask the
> same question as well.
> Is there a way to use 'exec' or another option?
> I have tried to change the terminal character set with no luck or just
> haven't found the correct character set yet.
> I cannot rename the files as the par2 and repair files look for the
> original file names.
> I don't even know how to enter the characters in the terminal.
> I notice if I look at the file name in a graphics file manager
> (dolphin), I just get a square with some unreadable code in it. Same if
> I try to look at it in a directory listing from a program. Am I missing
> a font set for this and would that make it work better.
> As I cannot confirm the language the file was created in, I may be
> missing the correct font on my system to work with it as well.
> Robin
> --
> Did you " it?
> "Joe`s File....."
Yes, I tried the quotation marks. No success.
I have tried all the normal processes that I have used for years with no