I received the following message about 10 days ago, but still haven't seen it
posted or received the moderators rejection notice. Since there seems to be no
way to reach the moderator directly, I'm reduced to posting this to the list.
The original posting had
Subject: Dragon/Kplayer trouble playing MP4 V1
Sorry for taking list bandwidth - jon
-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: users-bounces(a)lists.fedoraproject.org
To: jonrysh(a)pacbell.net
Subject: Your message to users(a)lists.fedoraproject.org awaits moderator approval
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 18:00:13 +0000
Your mail to 'users(a)lists.fedoraproject.org' with the subject
Dragon/Kplayer trouble playing MP4 V1
Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.
The message is being held because:
Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive
notification of the moderator's decision.