Is it advisable? What sort of problems could the user encounter?
Reason for asking: Many locally compiled programs (non-fedora sources)
that compile and build (via rpmbuild) just find under F20, but will not
compile on another machine running F24 (too many dependencies).
P.S: For fun, Just wondering about this: since OS can run both 64 and 32
bit apps (Installation is 64 bit),
and the apps link with the libs in /usr/lib64 or /usr/lib; then,
why not be able to build and
run apps which require libs of older fedora releases?
for example: have /f20/usr/lib and /f20/usr/lib64 on a system
of higher or lower OS release version.
Yes, it would requires a lot of disk space for all those libs of
that specific release, but
disk space is cheap and plenty. I hope some savvy and inspired
developer(s) can pick up on
this idea :) :) It would help keep any fedora machine up to snuff
for multiple releases.