I am trying out multiple video editors on Fedora, with very poor results
and a ton of crashes.
Anyone have recommendations on how to stablize one of these or can you
recommend a
video editor that just works (like kdenlive used to when I used it last a
year ago)?
I am having the same results on two Fedora 25, 64-bit systems, fully
updated. The packages
are from rpmfusion and on one of the two systems from unitedrpms. My main
system is an
older 6-core AMD with 8G of RAM so it should handle it.
The files I am testing with are:
JPG images from a DSLR
Quicktime from my DSLR (MVI_xxx.MOV),
Movie from my Android phone xxxxxxxxx.m2ts
Movie from a DVD xxx.mpg
Movie from a digital camcorder (Sony AVCHD): xxxx.MTS
My goto editor was Kdenlive, but it won't open files. I keep getting "clip
is invalid".
The terminal outputs:
mlt_repository_init: failed to dlopen /usr/lib64/mlt/libmltavformat.so
(/lib64/libavdevice.so.57: symbol av_buffersink_get_sample_aspect_ratio,
version LIBAVFILTER_6 not defined in file libavfilter.so.6 with link time
I think there is a lib miss-match.
Pitivi is nice, but I can't keep it running. Multiple core dumps.
I really love OpenShot. I tried the one from rpmfusion and it crashed all
the time,
for example when trying transitions. I also tried the latest version via
This seemed much more stable, but I could still crash it with transitions,
an MP3 file for audio, etc.
Anyone have a good, stable video editor or have suggestions on how to run
one of these
in a stable platform?
Note, I am filing bug reports on many of these crashes....
Wade Hampton