On 05/14/2017 08:43 AM, Chris Murphy wrote:
> On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 2:06 PM, Samuel Sieb <samuel(a)sieb.net> wrote:
>> On May 13, 2017 11:43:28 AM PDT, Alessio Ciregia <alciregi(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>>> What is Everything boot? What is the difference between Everything boot
>>> and, in example, Workstation boot?
>> The workstation boot is a live image and when you install from it you have no choice of packages but you don't require internet access to do the install.
> Nope. Workstation boot is a netinst image, but it has Workstation's
> product image set, so it follows the Workstation partitioning scheme
> when choosing automatic partitioning.
Sorry for the misinformation. I thought that workstation had dropped
the netinst image, but I see that it is still there. So yes, that's the
other difference. What I said is still valid for the live workstation