I have managed to hose something in my account.
In Fedora 24 about 2/3 of the time when I login the only item in
Computer was "File System" and inserted media (CD/USB) neither mounts or
appears. The other 1/3 of the time it worked. Not good. But the clock
is ticking on F24 now so I updated to Fedora 25 and it got worse. I get
entries for every mount point, tmp, sys, everything plus I get desktop
icons for them all too. This is on Mate if you are wondering why I have
icons on the desktop. But at least it is now consistent, it happens
every time.
Made a fresh account and logged into it and everything works normally.
Tried a couple of times and it appears reliable. So whatever is wrong
it is just in my account but I can't figure out what got corrupted.
Google is little help, all the automagic plumbing has been rewritten so
many times most hits are to pages discussing obviously wrong things.
While logged out I have tried removing .gvfs, anything suspicious in
~/.config ~/.local, like gvfs-metadata, systemd/user, .ccache, .dbus,
Even looked in /var/tmp for leftover cruft. So what file does control
the current automagic stuff?
Upside is I have finally seen accelerated 3d/video decode in a VM without
a Kaboom so as usual, upgrading brings new shiny.