is it just me ?
in an terminal running "man man" constantly scrolling the pages up or down: it scrolls some line/a page (~2 seconds), stops, scrolls some lines, stops ...
Also if I play video's or card games I notice micro dropout's.
Video plays 2 seconds fluidly, then pauses/stucks for a ~1/4 second, plays 2 seconds fluidly, pauses/stucks for a ~1/4 second, and so on.
it seems like a video-buffer isn't constantly filled to play videos smooth.
I exclude hardware error cause:
- the box is just an half year old and I tested a card game under windows 7 without dropouts.
- I tested with another monitor.
I tested an elder kernel ~4.13.x without an solution.
I tested under wayland and Xorg-Gnome.
F27 is up date.
Any hints to debug/troubleshoot this ?
Or is it just me ?