Got an issue. this is waaaay off topic. And I apologize. If more than
a few object, would the moderator please kill the thread. i wouldn't
have posted, but the list has been kind of "slow" lately, and.. well..
I have no tech/cool people to turn to!
I'm working on a crawling project. The overall project is geared
towards crawling a number of college sites (~400) to get class data,
as well as the required book data. The process targets the colleges,
does the fetch/parse, and stores the data into a mysql db. A similar
process occurs for the book data.
My issue. Please don't laugh. Make sure you're not drinking your
bourbon.. the crawl for the bookdata.. takes ~2-3 days.. running a
bunch of processes on a number of cheap digitalocean servers. The
process generates ~720K "sections" across the colleges (for the book
section/ISBN data).
I know there are people/resources who are "good" with this. I just
don't "know" any of them that I can talk with!
If you guys know of anyone ,or have any thoughts/ideas/etc.. I'd
appreciate the opportunity to discuss/chat/talk/etc..
And yeah, this process is really crude, but it more or less works.. If
I had clones of me, I'd implement queues, and test out other things to
speed up the overall processing time.
thanks for reading..
and again.. to the moderator.. if a few people object to this, feel
free to kill the thread!
thanks guys!