Dear Fellow Fedora users,
I had a script called upon by cron which played music at a certain time, for example
30 08 * * 1-5 ~/.dalarm
And .dalarm had
/usr/bin/xterm -e
/usr/bin/mplayer -really-quiet -shuffle -playlist ~/.playlist
It worked, but I did have speakers, now. I do not have external speakers, but a monitor with speakers, if there is no activity with the mouse, the speakers are not heard and while the script does work, the monitor is not active, it is on, but inactive. I am using KDE and I do not know which screensaver is working, the screen blanks and the monitor goes to sleep. How can I wake up the screen/monitor so I can hear the alarm playing. I remember trying
$ xset dpms off
Or similar and turn off screen blankinh, but that does not work anymore. How do I figure out a way to get it working?
Thanks in Advance,
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