Thank you all, but again, I had to just resolve the issue with my own
[me@localhost ~]$ sudo flatpak update
[sudo] password:
Looking for updates…
Info: org.fedoraproject.Platform is end-of-life, with reason: Fedora
31 runtime is no longer supported.
Nothing to do.
[me@localhost ~]$ flatpak remove org.fedoraproject.Platform
Similar installed refs found for ‘org.fedoraproject.Platform’:
1) runtime/org.fedoraproject.Platform/x86_64/f31 (system)
2) runtime/org.fedoraproject.Platform/x86_64/f32 (system)
3) All of the above
Which do you want to use (0 to abort)? [0-3]: 1
ID Branch Op
1. [-] org.fedoraproject.Platform f31 r
Uninstall complete.
[me@localhost ~]$
Again, the point was, that new users to Linux are not going to ph*ck with
all that flatpak nonsense.
But I will keep using flatpaks and appimages in Rawhide, because I
am a glutton for punishment, and want lots of attention. LOL !
My plan as stated before, is simply to show people who have never used
Fedora or Rawhide, how to get started, the pro & cons, the pitfalls, and
of all that you will be almost entirely on your own, and explain all that
newbie-language, street-talk, slang, vulgarities, comedy, metaphors, puns,
But I do love you all. Don't get me wrong.
David Locklear