On Fedora 32 Workstation.
My VTs are functional but there is not visible indication
of I/O. By that I mean, I get no login or password prompt.
But I can blindly login. I get no shell prompt. But I
can blindly enter commands that run but they show no output
in the VT.
The VT system is controlled by systemD. After a boot and upon
graphical login this is the status:
$ systemctl | grep getty
system-getty.slice loaded active active system-getty.slice
getty.target loaded active active Login Prompts
A "ps -ef | grep getty" gives no output
After I try to access VT #3 (<Ctl><Alt><Fn3>) without logging in,
I get an additional line from the above command:
getty(a)tty3.service loaded active running Getty on tty3
And the ps pipe gives this:
root 4237 1 0 13:23 tty4 00:00:00 /sbin/agetty -o -p -- \u --noclear tty3 linux
I didn't think the display manager would affect the VT system, but
just in case I tried gdm, sddm, lightdm. No differences.
Any clue as to why there seems to be no video connection to the VTs?
Jon H. LaBadie jonfu(a)jgcomp.com