A few weeks ago someone posted an off-topic thread about scraping
javascript/dynamic sites. Sorry to say, I've got a similar off-topic
If this is unacceptable, let me know and I'll delete the thread.
I'm dealing with the results of a url/site that has javascript. I had
thought I could simply use Firefox, and hit the Developer Tools, and
use the Inspector subWindow.
All of this seems to work. However, in the Inspector window, I cant
figure out how to "expand" all the nodes to see the complete html of
the generated page.
Been looking all over the net to figure this out. I know it's something subtle.
I can set the "mouse" to the "html" node at the top of the window.
Using the "right mouse" click I can select the "Exapnd All" option,
and it appears to expand the nodes within the html. However, I can't
seem to figure out how to then do a "Select All" for all the html in
the Inpspector window so I can view the complete html in an external
Any idea how this can be accomplished?