I have an external USB-3 2-disk docking station, and a script which can
power up and down the drives as needed.
I have a systemd automount unit that correctly powers up the dock when
accessed, then mounts the drives (thanks Ed).
After an idle time, automount unmounts the drives. A script detects
when this happens and powers them down ... *at which point they
immediately power up again, and remain up until I intervene manually,
even though they are unmounted*.
This never happens if I run the script directly from the command line
(i.e. the drives power down and stay down).
Clearly the docking unit isn't just doing this flakily on its own.
Something is making it happen, and I've no idea how to discover what it
is except that it seems to be correlated with systemd in some way.
All of the above is 100% reproducible.
I'm open to suggestions if anyone has any ideas.