dnf has need to become tough because pip and pip3 are the packager the most used by all import,
Dorian Rosse.
From: Dorian ROSSE <dorianbrice(a)hotmail.fr>
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2022 12:23:19 PM
To: Community support for Fedora users <users(a)lists.fedoraproject.org>
Subject: Re: python3dist(sphinx-math-dollar)
dnf need to become tough because pip and pip3 are the packager the most used by all import,
Dorian Rosse.
From: Dorian ROSSE <dorianbrice(a)hotmail.fr>
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2022 12:18:21 PM
To: Community support for Fedora users <users(a)lists.fedoraproject.org>
Subject: Re: python3dist(sphinx-math-dollar)
dnf need to become tough because pip and pip3 are the mostly packager used by all import,
Dorian Rosse.
From: George N. White III <gnwiii(a)gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2022 2:32:45 PM
To: Community support for Fedora users <users(a)lists.fedoraproject.org>
Subject: Re: python3dist(sphinx-math-dollar)
On Sat, 22 Jan 2022 at 08:49, Jonathan Billings <billings(a)negate.org<mailto:billings@negate.org>> wrote:
On Jan 22, 2022, at 06:35, Dorian ROSSE <dorianbrice(a)hotmail.fr<mailto:dorianbrice@hotmail.fr>> wrote:
> Have you tried 'pip3 install python3dist ' ?
I never suggest Fedora users run ‘pip’ as root, except when in a virtualenv, dockerfile or some contained environment.
It is far too easy for pip to overwrite or override a packaged python library and break system tools, such as the ones used in DNF. Once you’ve broken dnf, it is hard to fix those libraries since dnf is the tool to fix them.
I agree. One of the "mission critical" packages has a "private" module called snappy, but
a widely used Google compression package also called snappy has been installed on many
systems. Envs are, however, problematic for the group of users who have never used a
command-liine before. They are often puzzled why their GUI tool doesn't find the package they just
installed to a Python env.
George N. White III