I have two mics, one on my Brio web camera, and one on my motherboard.
Every time I boot up, the Brio mic is selected, and I have to manually
go in and tell the audio mixer that I want the onboard mic to be used.
Sometimes I forget, join a WebEx or similar, and they are hearing me
through my Brio, and that mic SUCKS compared to the one I have plugged
in to the onboard sound card. I've set the onboard mic to be the default
more times than I can remember, but when it reboots, the Brio mic is
selected again. This is driving me nuts!
What on Earth do I need to do to make the onboard sound card mic be the
main/only one used?
I am using Xfce, if that matters. When I fire up the mixer, it's using
If it matters, I have upgraded this system from F33 through F36.