my computer boot only in emergency mode ...
Looking the journalctl (command journalctl -xb), I found (in thejournalctl ) these lines in red color : ATA2:00: link is slow to respond.... (and after..) ATA200: SRST failed (erro 16) That seem indicate that it is a problem to access the HDs..
I found a possible solution to the problem in this post: http://codeverge.com/opensuse.org.help.install/-solved-ata1-srst-failed-errn...
There is wrote that :...the problem can depend by the physic set up of the HD (as "master", "slave", "single drive", ...): this set up can be done by changing the position of a jumper on the HD...
I know that, in the past time, the HDs had to be set physically in this way.., but recently I never heart anymore that the modern HD need this operation.. So actually I don't care anymore of the configuration of the HDs (my HD is Toshiba 1 TB that I bought few mounts ago).
I would like to have a confirmation that what I read in the post is only an obsolete information and, in any case, I would like to know also what I can do to go around in my problem..
From the command line: ls /dev/sd* I get:
give me this input : /dev/sda /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2 /dev/sda5 /dev/sdb /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdb2
Thank you
On Tue, 2015-05-05 at 10:25 +0300, Angelo Moreschini wrote:
the problem can depend by the physic set up of the HD (as "master", "slave", "single drive", ...): this set up can be done by changing the position of a jumper on the HD...
I know that, in the past time, the HDs had to be set physically in this way.., but recently I never heart anymore that the modern HD need this operation..
If it is a parallel (ribbon cable) type of connection, then master and slave configuring is essential. Sometimes that's done by setting jumpers on the drive, alternatively the drive can be jumpered so that the ribbon cable sets which is slave or master (the ribbon connectors are wired differently, with master on the end, slave in the middle, and the connector that is furthest away from the others goes into the motherboard.
But if it's a serial (SATA) connection, only one drive can be connected to a host, so there is no master and slave arrangement. With older hardware, it's sometimes necessary to set a jumper which forces the drive to run in a slower mode, or forces it to pretend its a smaller drive than it really is.
Thank you, Tim, you explained very good.
I use HD SATA/64 MB cache WD 10EZEX
...so, the problem cannot depend by the setting the configuration.
Although this the error message : ------------ ATA2:00: link is slow to respond.... (and ) ATA200: SRST failed (erro 16) ------------ seem indicate that the HD is not recognized ...
I have to say that The computer boot regularly in Windows... But windows is stored on other HD...
I think that I should check the HD healthy ? what tool I can use to do it in safety mode?
On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 1:21 PM, Tim ignored_mailbox@yahoo.com.au wrote: On Tue, 2015-05-05 at 10:25 +0300, Angelo Moreschini wrote:
the problem can depend by the physic set up of the HD (as "master", "slave", "single drive", ...): this set up can be done by changing the position of a jumper on the HD...
I know that, in the past time, the HDs had to be set physically in this way.., but recently I never heart anymore that the modern HD need this operation..
If it is a parallel (ribbon cable) type of connection, then master and slave configuring is essential. Sometimes that's done by setting jumpers on the drive, alternatively the drive can be jumpered so that the ribbon cable sets which is slave or master (the ribbon connectors are wired differently, with master on the end, slave in the middle, and the connector that is furthest away from the others goes into the motherboard.
But if it's a serial (SATA) connection, only one drive can be connected to a host, so there is no master and slave arrangement. With older hardware, it's sometimes necessary to set a jumper which forces the drive to run in a slower mode, or forces it to pretend its a smaller drive than it really is.
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On Sun, 19 Feb 2017 09:37:04 +0200 Angelo Moreschini mrangelo.fedora@gmail.com wrote:
Thank you, Tim, you explained very good.
I use HD SATA/64 MB cache WD 10EZEX
...so, the problem cannot depend by the setting the configuration.
Although this the error message :
ATA2:00: link is slow to respond.... (and ) ATA200: SRST failed (erro 16)
seem indicate that the HD is not recognized ...
I have to say that The computer boot regularly in Windows... But windows is stored on other HD...
I think that I should check the HD healthy ? what tool I can use to do it in safety mode?
For ext file systems, the standard tool is e2fsck, from the e2fsprogs package. It has a man page, as does its configuration file.
I think the option you want for a non-destructive check is -c -c. So something like e2fsck -c -c /dev/sd? The partition should really be unmounted when you do this, but if you can't you could set it read only e2fsck -n -c -c /dev/sd? When you are ready to fix it, if you find problems, you could use the -p and -y options.
The package smartmontools installs the smartd daemon that monitors hardware messages from the drive, and reports if issues are found, so it is another option for you. The man pages describe how to configure it.