On 05/29/2015 08:18 AM, lokadamus@gmx.de wrote:
On 05/23/15 19:08, jd1008 wrote:
I have an HP laptop with AMD Turion II X2 mobile processor RM-72 / 2.1 GHz CPU, Socket S1. It is now causing blue screens in windows, and freezes fbsd, pclinuxos, knoppix, fedora live.
I have run the x86 mem test for more than a day, and found no problems with the 4GB ram (2GB X 2).
I am wondering why the memtest does not freeze???? could it be that only one core is causing the problem?
At any rate I wanted to replace it with AMD Turion II Ultra M660 TMM660DBO23GQ 2.7GHz Dual-Core Mobile CPU Processor, Socket S1
Will I be running into any problems? Would the heat be an issue?
These are the full technical data on it:
General information
I'm think, i'm too late, but make a test with http://www.superpi.net/ (not testet, but super pi was in the past a good program) or http://www.cpuburnin.com/ (same problem, not testet in the last time)
Start for every core one instance to bring up your CPU to 100% working.
Thanks to everyone's suggestions.
I finally had some cycles to open the laptop and cleanup up the old dried up grease off the cpu and the heat sink and applied the arctic silver. I smeared it in thin sheet on both the cpu and the heat sink's contact surface.
I buttoned the thing back up and installed fc20 from DVD iso. All went well during the install. I booted and opened the file browser to browse the boot drive. No problems. I immediately opened the file browser again to seperately browse another drive and it crashed instantly after the gui of the 2nd file browser came up.
I uploaded the screen image of crash message to https://www.sendspace.com/file/exy97h
I noticed that during the installation of fc20, the air coming out of the exhaust vent was almost scalding if I kept my finger there for about a minute or so. By scalding, I mean if I had touched a metal surface of that temperature for say 30 seconds, I would have felt some pain.
Also, I noticed that the cooling fan remained at normal operating speed, instead of spinning faster, as I usually hear it spin fast for about a few seconds when I power it on.
So, I am not sure whether the problem is the fan or the cpu.
P.S: I also ran the memtest 86 full tests of 1 pass. I installed fc20 after it had reached somewhere near the middle of pass 2. It had detected no errors. 10 hours had passed since I had started the memtest86. I am not sure if each pass would run different tests. Perhaps someone can expand on that.
On 06/27/2015 02:21 PM, jd1008 wrote: <<>>
I noticed that during the installation of fc20, the air coming out of the exhaust vent was almost scalding if I kept my finger there for about a minute or so. By scalding, I mean if I had touched a metal surface of that temperature for say 30 seconds, I would have felt some pain.
scalding is too general of a word to use because if you touched something hot enough to scalded your finger, you would end up with a blister, as from 1st or 2nd degree burn, regardless of contact with air or metal. 'pdf hot' would be more appropriate. ;-)
besides, fingers are not the best temperature gauges, readout is not precise, erratic and varies too much.
what i did a few years back, i bought for $29.95, on sale, a Cen-Tech Infrared Thermometer from;
they now have an Ironton Infrared Thermometer for $49.95;
for less, do not know how good, radioshack has an infrared thermometer on sale, if you can find a store with one, for $19.97;
much more accurate than fingers and because of no contact, no burn your fingers.
Also, I noticed that the cooling fan remained at normal operating speed, instead of spinning faster, as I usually hear it spin fast for about a few seconds when I power it on.
So, I am not sure whether the problem is the fan or the cpu.
what is 'sensors' telling you about temp and speed?
P.S: I also ran the memtest 86 full tests of 1 pass. I installed fc20 after it had reached somewhere near the middle of pass 2. It had detected no errors. 10 hours had passed since I had started the memtest86. I am not sure if each pass would run different tests.
yes, they do.
Perhaps someone can expand on that.
2 places to look;
On 06/27/2015 05:59 PM, g wrote:
what is 'sensors' telling you about temp and speed?
I had no chance to even start lmsensors. It was a first boot after install of fc20.
Also, found: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Nice-Non-Contact-LCD-IR-Laser-Infrared-Digital-Tempe... USD9.41
On 06/27/2015 07:45 PM, jd1008 wrote:
On 06/27/2015 05:59 PM, g wrote:
what is 'sensors' telling you about temp and speed?
I had no chance to even start lmsensors. It was a first boot after install of fc20.
Also, found: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Nice-Non-Contact-LCD-IR-Laser-Infrared-Digital-Tempe... USD9.41
. that can work also.
do be aware, because these thermometers are cheap, that are not as accurate as higher priced thermometers.
what ever you get, check it for high and low readings.
ice = 32.0 °F | 00.00 °C. water boiling point = 211.9 °F | 99.97 °C
check both ends for both °F & °C to see which is more accurate.
even if off a little, for sure, more accurate than a finger. ;-)
after, you should get lmsensors working so you do not have to keep getting out thermometer.
you might also consider loading 'xsensors' to run in a window.
On 06/28/2015 01:48 AM, g wrote:
On 06/27/2015 07:45 PM, jd1008 wrote:
On 06/27/2015 05:59 PM, g wrote:
what is 'sensors' telling you about temp and speed?
I had no chance to even start lmsensors. It was a first boot after install of fc20.
Also, found: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Nice-Non-Contact-LCD-IR-Laser-Infrared-Digital-Tempe... USD9.41
. that can work also.
do be aware, because these thermometers are cheap, that are not as accurate as higher priced thermometers.
what ever you get, check it for high and low readings.
ice = 32.0 °F | 00.00 °C. water boiling point = 211.9 °F | 99.97 °C
Thanx G. I have an electronic digital thermometer, the tip of which is inserted into the boiling water. At my location, it reported that boiling water is at 204 °F We are only at about 4250 feet above sea level. So I think the thermometer is fibbing :)
check both ends for both °F & °C to see which is more accurate.
even if off a little, for sure, more accurate than a finger. ;-)
after, you should get lmsensors working so you do not have to keep getting out thermometer.
you might also consider loading 'xsensors' to run in a window.
I will be running lmsensores before I hit the sack tonight and check in the morning. But first, I will check to be sure that BIOS is at latest rev, and will disable APIC in grub.cfg.
By the way, in fc20, I do not see which package can let me set the frequency of the 2 cores. On another machine I had tested (Dell E6500) on fc22, I recall there was such a package. But I just do not recall it's name.
On 06/28/2015 11:03 AM, jd1008 wrote:
ice = 32.0 °F | 00.00 °C. water boiling point = 211.9 °F | 99.97 °C
Thanx G. I have an electronic digital thermometer, the tip of which is inserted into the boiling water. At my location, it reported that boiling water is at 204 °F We are only at about 4250 feet above sea level. So I think the thermometer is fibbing :)
Your thermometer is about right. We live just at 5,000 ft and water boils for us at 202(f). Have to remember to adjust cooking times accordingly.
On 06/28/2015 11:24 AM, Ronal B Morse wrote:
On 06/28/2015 11:03 AM, jd1008 wrote:
ice = 32.0 °F | 00.00 °C. water boiling point = 211.9 °F | 99.97 °C
Thanx G. I have an electronic digital thermometer, the tip of which is inserted into the boiling water. At my location, it reported that boiling water is at 204 °F We are only at about 4250 feet above sea level. So I think the thermometer is fibbing :)
Your thermometer is about right. We live just at 5,000 ft and water boils for us at 202(f). Have to remember to adjust cooking times accordingly.
OP g said that his infrared thermometer records boiling water at 211 °F. I thought he lived in Denver, Co at more than 5000+ feet.
On 06/28/2015 10:55 AM, jd1008 wrote:
OP g said that his infrared thermometer records boiling water at 211 °F. I thought he lived in Denver, Co at more than 5000+ feet.
An IR thermometer records the surface temperature, not how hot it is on the inside. HTH, HAND.
On 06/28/2015 12:55 PM, jd1008 wrote: <<>>
OP g said that his infrared thermometer records boiling water at 211 °F. I thought he lived in Denver, Co at more than 5000+ feet.
it was misleading. i left out "@ sea level". the long conversion formula is show at;
i was taught an easier way of estimating as a 'per xxx feet' but i do not recall it.
as for denver, co, no. i was stationed there while in u.s.a.f.
tho it would be nice now with their laws. the ratio would just make things all that much better. ;-)
i am existing in memphis, tn, with an average elevation of 337 ft [103 m].
Final update after installing latest BIOS version 49 from HP.
While logged into win 7, 2 minutes later, and the machine still cold, it crashed! And this happened 3 times. The place I am at is a very cold cafe. Even though outside temp is in the 90's, here at the cafe, it is about 71 (thermostat).
So, not sure anymore it is the heat that is causing both Fedora and win7 to crash or freeze. I think the cpu is/has been hopelessly damaged when the owner who sent it to me did not realize that the fan was dead and that is why it was isuing the warning and shutting down. Subsequent boots did not even issue any warnings. It would just freeze or crash. So, I had replaced the fan, and re-greased the cpu and heat sink's surfaces, and cleaned the vent and vanes of the heat sink, it continued to crash and freeze. So I think the CPU needs to be replaced. I found an inexpensive brand new replacement cpu for exactly same socket as the current one.
Thanks for all of the respondents' helpful hints and links.
On 06/28/2015 06:54 PM, jd1008 wrote: <>
So I think the CPU needs to be replaced.
from all that you have done and posted, you may well be correct.
cpu manufactures have stress testing progs that at one time could be pulled for running on one's system.
another good stress test is running prime number searches because they put cpu into some intensive number work which does load up a cpu.
an especially good prog is 'prime95' available at;
something you can try until you get a new cpu.
I found an inexpensive brand new replacement cpu for exactly same socket as the current one.
just be sure it is a reputable company, guarantied to work, and use a credit card for payment so you can fall back on them if company gives you and problems if cpu does not work.
when you get it, it would be good to run prime95 on it to see if it will hold up.
much luck with your endeavor.
Thanks for all of the respondents' helpful hints and links.
as always, most welcome.
On 06/28/2015 05:54 PM, jd1008 wrote:
Final update after installing latest BIOS version 49 from HP.
While logged into win 7, 2 minutes later, and the machine still cold, it crashed! And this happened 3 times. The place I am at is a very cold cafe. Even though outside temp is in the 90's, here at the cafe, it is about 71 (thermostat).
So, not sure anymore it is the heat that is causing both Fedora and win7 to crash or freeze. I think the cpu is/has been hopelessly damaged when the owner who sent it to me did not realize that the fan was dead and that is why it was isuing the warning and shutting down. Subsequent boots did not even issue any warnings. It would just freeze or crash. So, I had replaced the fan, and re-greased the cpu and heat sink's surfaces, and cleaned the vent and vanes of the heat sink, it continued to crash and freeze. So I think the CPU needs to be replaced. I found an inexpensive brand new replacement cpu for exactly same socket as the current one.
Thanks for all of the respondents' helpful hints and links.
Spoke too sone re: "Final".
The replacement cpu arrived this morning. Carefully removed old one, and installed new one, applied arctic silver grease, buttoned it up (took me more than 2 hours as I wanted to be sure EVERY cable and wire was snuggly in it's socket, all the screws back in. No extra screws left outside :) :)
Powered up. Lights came on. Fan started at high speed - and about 20 to 30 seconds later it slowed down to normal speed, HD clicked during disk initialization, the CD drived clicked (probably bios looking for bootable media - since it is first in boot sequence.
Waited .... waited ..... waited..... Nothing. Screen blank!!! Opened it again and checked the video cable. Snugly in place. Check all cables! Every single one was snugly in place. Rebooted. No video.
Next step: replace new cpu with old one and see if it is actually a video issue.
On 07/06/2015 03:40 PM, jd1008 wrote:
On 06/28/2015 05:54 PM, jd1008 wrote:
Final update after installing latest BIOS version 49 from HP.
While logged into win 7, 2 minutes later, and the machine still cold, it crashed! And this happened 3 times. The place I am at is a very cold cafe. Even though outside temp is in the 90's, here at the cafe, it is about 71 (thermostat).
So, not sure anymore it is the heat that is causing both Fedora and win7 to crash or freeze. I think the cpu is/has been hopelessly damaged when the owner who sent it to me did not realize that the fan was dead and that is why it was isuing the warning and shutting down. Subsequent boots did not even issue any warnings. It would just freeze or crash. So, I had replaced the fan, and re-greased the cpu and heat sink's surfaces, and cleaned the vent and vanes of the heat sink, it continued to crash and freeze. So I think the CPU needs to be replaced. I found an inexpensive brand new replacement cpu for exactly same socket as the current one.
Thanks for all of the respondents' helpful hints and links.
Spoke too sone re: "Final".
The replacement cpu arrived this morning. Carefully removed old one, and installed new one, applied arctic silver grease, buttoned it up (took me more than 2 hours as I wanted to be sure EVERY cable and wire was snuggly in it's socket, all the screws back in. No extra screws left outside :) :)
Powered up. Lights came on. Fan started at high speed - and about 20 to 30 seconds later it slowed down to normal speed, HD clicked during disk initialization, the CD drived clicked (probably bios looking for bootable media - since it is first in boot sequence.
Waited .... waited ..... waited..... Nothing. Screen blank!!! Opened it again and checked the video cable. Snugly in place. Check all cables! Every single one was snugly in place. Rebooted. No video.
Next step: replace new cpu with old one and see if it is actually a video issue.
So, I took out the new cpu, and put back in the old cpu. Fedora booted just fine - All is working - but of course, it still freezes or panics after a few minutes (2 - 5 minutes).
So, I contacted the Ebay seller http://www.ebay.com/usr/rakicomputers?_trksid=p2047675.l2559rakicomputers and reported the issue. The seller first told me something wrong with my laptop. So I replied that the old cpu still boots just fine - until it gets too hot and the it freezes or crashes. The seller did not respond. "g" had replied once that I should find a reputable seller. Well, this seller seemed to have a high rating on ebay. S/he is a gold ribbon Top Rated Plus seller, with 99.9% satisfaction.
On 07/06/15 21:13, jd1008 wrote: <<>>
So, I took out the new cpu, and put back in the old cpu. Fedora booted just fine - All is working - but of course, it still freezes or panics after a few minutes (2 - 5 minutes).
So, I contacted the Ebay seller http://www.ebay.com/usr/rakicomputers?_trksid=p2047675.l2559rakicomputers and reported the issue. The seller first told me something wrong with my laptop. So I replied that the old cpu still boots just fine - until it gets too hot and the it freezes or crashes. The seller did not respond. "g" had replied once that I should find a reputable seller. Well, this seller seemed to have a high rating on ebay. S/he is a gold ribbon Top Rated Plus seller, with 99.9% satisfaction.
so how does it feel to be among the 0.1%?
1- contact ebay's complaint department, file a complaint with them. 2- if paid by credit card, call their complaint department, file a complaint with them.
So, I contacted the Ebay seller http://www.ebay.com/usr/rakicomputers?_trksid=p2047675.l2559rakicomputers and reported the issue. The seller first told me something wrong with my laptop. So I replied that the old cpu still boots just fine - until it gets too hot and the it freezes or crashes. The seller did not respond. "g" had replied once that I should find a reputable seller. Well, this seller seemed to have a high rating on ebay. S/he is a gold ribbon Top Rated Plus seller, with 99.9% satisfaction.
so how does it feel to be among the 0.1%?
1- contact ebay's complaint department, file a complaint with them. 2- if paid by credit card, call their complaint department, file a complaint with them.
Usually eBay will help you, but don't forget to otherwise check if the CPU is in warranty, and just go directly to Intel/AMD if all else fails.
I believe you still need to ship it with the fan?
Regards, Alex
On 07/06/2015 09:17 PM, Alex Regan wrote:
So, I contacted the Ebay seller http://www.ebay.com/usr/rakicomputers?_trksid=p2047675.l2559rakicomputers
and reported the issue. The seller first told me something wrong with my laptop. So I replied that the old cpu still boots just fine - until it gets too hot and the it freezes or crashes. The seller did not respond. "g" had replied once that I should find a reputable seller. Well, this seller seemed to have a high rating on ebay. S/he is a gold ribbon Top Rated Plus seller, with 99.9% satisfaction.
so how does it feel to be among the 0.1%?
1- contact ebay's complaint department, file a complaint with them. 2- if paid by credit card, call their complaint department, file a complaint with them.
Usually eBay will help you, but don't forget to otherwise check if the CPU is in warranty, and just go directly to Intel/AMD if all else fails.
I believe you still need to ship it with the fan?
Regards, Alex
Nop! This is a mobile cpu. Does not come with a fan. Seller is not AMD, so not sure if it carries and AMD warranty. Seller says it is brand new never used.
On 07/06/2015 08:54 PM, g wrote:
On 07/06/15 21:13, jd1008 wrote: <<>>
So, I took out the new cpu, and put back in the old cpu. Fedora booted just fine - All is working - but of course, it still freezes or panics after a few minutes (2 - 5 minutes).
So, I contacted the Ebay seller http://www.ebay.com/usr/rakicomputers?_trksid=p2047675.l2559rakicomputers and reported the issue. The seller first told me something wrong with my laptop. So I replied that the old cpu still boots just fine - until it gets too hot and the it freezes or crashes. The seller did not respond. "g" had replied once that I should find a reputable seller. Well, this seller seemed to have a high rating on ebay. S/he is a gold ribbon Top Rated Plus seller, with 99.9% satisfaction.
so how does it feel to be among the 0.1%?
1- contact ebay's complaint department, file a complaint with them. 2- if paid by credit card, call their complaint department, file a complaint with them.
I plan to do both :) This is why I use AmEx. They fully refund for merchandise that does not work. They are able to extract that from the merchant. Don't ask me how :) They have done it for me before. But B 4 I resort to AmEX, I will first try Ebay problem resolution. Failing that, I will talk to AmEx.
On 07/06/15 22:22, jd1008 wrote: <<>>
I plan to do both :) This is why I use AmEx. They fully refund for merchandise that does not work. They are able to extract that from the merchant. Don't ask me how :) They have done it for me before.
it is in the 'toa', 'terms of agreement'. credit card companies require signing agreement before they will do any funds transactions. cyoa.
But B 4 I resort to AmEX, I will first try Ebay problem resolution. Failing that, I will talk to AmEx.
go back to ebay page that you ordered from to see if there is ability to make comment about seller.
On 07/07/2015 12:03 AM, g wrote:
On 07/06/15 22:22, jd1008 wrote: <<>>
I plan to do both :) This is why I use AmEx. They fully refund for merchandise that does not work. They are able to extract that from the merchant. Don't ask me how :) They have done it for me before.
it is in the 'toa', 'terms of agreement'. credit card companies require signing agreement before they will do any funds transactions. cyoa.
But B 4 I resort to AmEX, I will first try Ebay problem resolution. Failing that, I will talk to AmEx.
go back to ebay page that you ordered from to see if there is ability to make comment about seller.
You bet there is. If the seller refuses to replace with good one, Ebay will confiscate money from their account and credit mine.
On 07/07/15 10:13, jd1008 wrote: <<>>
go back to ebay page that you ordered from to see if there is ability to make comment about seller.
You bet there is. If the seller refuses to replace with good one, Ebay will confiscate money from their account and credit mine.
that i understand, but you did not understand what i wrote.
make comment on his seller page about his refusal.
On 07/07/2015 01:42 PM, g wrote:
On 07/07/15 10:13, jd1008 wrote: <<>>
go back to ebay page that you ordered from to see if there is ability to make comment about seller.
You bet there is. If the seller refuses to replace with good one, Ebay will confiscate money from their account and credit mine.
that i understand, but you did not understand what i wrote.
make comment on his seller page about his refusal.
After I made my comment on this list, got email from Ebay that the seller has relented and accepted to make a full refund and emailed me a free shipping label. Case closed :) :)
On 07/07/2015 02:08 PM, jd1008 wrote:
After I made my comment on this list, got email from Ebay that the seller has relented and accepted to make a full refund and emailed me a free shipping label. Case closed :) :)
Not quite. Once you've received the refund, make a comment on the seller's page about how you had to have ebay twist his arm to get him to let you return a defective chip and give you a refund.
On Tue, 7 Jul 2015 14:25:53 -0700 Joe Zeff joe@zeff.us wrote:
On 07/07/2015 02:08 PM, jd1008 wrote:
After I made my comment on this list, got email from Ebay that the seller has relented and accepted to make a full refund and emailed me a free shipping label. Case closed :) :)
Not quite. Once you've received the refund, make a comment on the seller's page about how you had to have ebay twist his arm to get him to let you return a defective chip and give you a refund.
I agree. (S)he should get a negative remark. Then other buyers will know that the seller needs prodding to act in good faith and also that Ebay at least sometimes enforces policies (it is not all a lost cause).
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On 07/08/15 05:43, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
I agree. (S)he should get a negative remark. Then other buyers will know that the seller needs prodding to act in good faith and also that Ebay at least sometimes enforces policies (it is not all a lost cause).
I believe the majority of this thread belongs here. http://community.ebay.com/t5/Discussion-Boards/ct-p/12001
On 07/07/2015 03:43 PM, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
On Tue, 7 Jul 2015 14:25:53 -0700 Joe Zeff joe@zeff.us wrote:
On 07/07/2015 02:08 PM, jd1008 wrote:
After I made my comment on this list, got email from Ebay that the seller has relented and accepted to make a full refund and emailed me a free shipping label. Case closed :) :)
Not quite. Once you've received the refund, make a comment on the seller's page about how you had to have ebay twist his arm to get him to let you return a defective chip and give you a refund.
I agree. (S)he should get a negative remark. Then other buyers will know that the seller needs prodding to act in good faith and also that Ebay at least sometimes enforces policies (it is not all a lost cause).
I understan, Ranjan Ji, But I do have to be careful about karmic repercussions that could bite me sometime in the future. Spreading negative impressions could indeed backfile on the spreader :) :)
I understan, Ranjan Ji, But I do have to be careful about karmic repercussions that could bite me sometime in the future. Spreading negative impressions could indeed backfile on the spreader :) :)
Do you know what the word "karma" actually means?
In any case, we are not suggesting that you spread negative impressions, but be factual and help others.
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On 07/07/2015 04:22 PM, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
I understan, Ranjan Ji, But I do have to be careful about karmic repercussions that could bite me sometime in the future. Spreading negative impressions could indeed backfile on the spreader :) :)
Do you know what the word "karma" actually means?
In any case, we are not suggesting that you spread negative impressions, but be factual and help others.
Yes I do know.
On 07/07/2015 03:25 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
On 07/07/2015 02:08 PM, jd1008 wrote:
After I made my comment on this list, got email from Ebay that the seller has relented and accepted to make a full refund and emailed me a free shipping label. Case closed :) :)
Not quite. Once you've received the refund, make a comment on the seller's page about how you had to have ebay twist his arm to get him to let you return a defective chip and give you a refund.
Gosh ... I must say I just don't have enough of a mean streak to do that :) :) But I do know this: What goes around, comes around. As was said more than 2000 years ago: "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." I just do not want the bad karma, no matter how justifiable it may seem.
On 07/07/2015 02:49 PM, jd1008 wrote:
Gosh ... I must say I just don't have enough of a mean streak to do that :) :)
This isn't about being mean, it's about telling the truth.
But I do know this: What goes around, comes around. As was said more than 2000 years ago: "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." I just do not want the bad karma, no matter how justifiable it may seem.
Which is worse karma, telling an unpleasant truth or letting others get burned because you weren't willing to speak up?
On 06/28/2015 10:03 AM, jd1008 wrote:
I have an electronic digital thermometer, the tip of which is inserted into the boiling water. At my location, it reported that boiling water is at 204 °F We are only at about 4250 feet above sea level. So I think the thermometer is fibbing :)
That's roughly .8 miles up; trust the thermometer.
On 06/28/2015 11:43 AM, Joe Zeff wrote:
On 06/28/2015 10:03 AM, jd1008 wrote:
I have an electronic digital thermometer, the tip of which is inserted into the boiling water. At my location, it reported that boiling water is at 204 °F We are only at about 4250 feet above sea level. So I think the thermometer is fibbing :)
That's roughly .8 miles up; trust the thermometer.
Real cute. So, if there are "bugs" in something being cooked, and said bugs cannot die at 204 °F, then ..... :) :)
I saw a NG show that gathered sea water at ocean beds right next to boiling roiling volcanic thermal spouts, where temperatures were exceeding 300°F. They found fully live bacteria in that water when it was analyzed :) :) Hey, perhaps said bacteria will inherit this world :)
On 06/28/2015 10:59 AM, jd1008 wrote:
So, if there are "bugs" in something being cooked, and said bugs cannot die at 204 °F, then ..... :) :)
Only if you're trying to kill them by boiling. At sea level, most oils boil at about 350 F, and even in Denver they'll be well above the boiling point of water, so frying will still work, as will broiling, grilling and so on.
On 06/28/2015 12:11 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
On 06/28/2015 10:59 AM, jd1008 wrote:
So, if there are "bugs" in something being cooked, and said bugs cannot die at 204 °F, then ..... :) :)
Only if you're trying to kill them by boiling. At sea level, most oils boil at about 350 F, and even in Denver they'll be well above the boiling point of water, so frying will still work, as will broiling, grilling and so on.
Thanx for this cullniary info. If there are such bugs in OS'es and Apps, guess I will throw my laptop into a large vat of boiling oil :) :)
Allegedly, on or about 28 June 2015, jd1008 sent:
If there are such bugs in OS'es and Apps, guess I will throw my laptop into a large vat of boiling oil :) :)
We've all felt that way, from time to time...
On 06/28/2015 11:35 AM, jd1008 wrote:
Thanx for this cullniary info. If there are such bugs in OS'es and Apps, guess I will throw my laptop into a large vat of boiling oil :) :)
I'm not *just* a computer geek; I'm also a cooking geek, among other things. Glad to have been of service.
On Sat, 2015-06-27 at 13:21 -0600, jd1008 wrote:
I noticed that during the installation of fc20, the air coming out of the exhaust vent was almost scalding if I kept my finger there for about a minute or so. By scalding, I mean if I had touched a metal surface of that temperature for say 30 seconds, I would have felt some pain.
Also, I noticed that the cooling fan remained at normal operating speed, instead of spinning faster, as I usually hear it spin fast for about a few seconds when I power it on.
So, I am not sure whether the problem is the fan or the cpu.
I can't say that I've ever felt air come out of a system that was too hot to keep my fingers in. So I think there is something to be concerned about.
Rarely has my laptop ever revved up to full blast, and even then it was just toasty on the fingers. There was a nasty hot plastic smell, though, if it went full pelt (there were about five fan speeds; ranging from near silent, quiet whirr with barely warm air, mildly noisy with comfortably warm air, that might be expected during normal use, then one or two more hotter ones that I rarely ever experienced).
Installs very rarely went full blast, you might get a few seconds of highly intensive computations, while dependencies were worked, but it would drop down again shortly. Web browsing could cause problems much more often, with pages that had Flash video going bonkers, or bad scripting. The fan would go full blast as the CPU heated up. Again, never got to the point where it might cause me any skin damage from the hot air.
Computers have a couple of ways of not overheating, that may be used in conjunction; such as slowing the CPU down so it generates less heat, or speeding up the fan to dissipate more. This may be automatic, there may be preferences as to what you'd prefer (such as staying quieter as a preference, so it slows the CPU down first, then ramps up the fan speed, rather than speed up the fan, then slow down the CPU). You could look in the BIOS for cool and quite options, to see if you can influence anything.
If you are getting hot air blasting out, I'd be inclined to believe that the heatsink is attached and working. If it weren't attached well, I'd expect inadequate heat dispersion from the airflow, and the CPU to overheat and shutdown (or burn out).
If the fan seems to run without a struggle, I'd expect that the fan is okay. Its the computer that changes the fan speed, so a lack of proper fan speed changes would suggest the controller rather than the fan. Perhaps the thermal sensor isn't working well? Do you have another OS you can easily try on it (e.g. a live disk).
On my laptop, if I leave it in the BIOS (interrupting the boot-up), the fans will eventually go fast, though blowing cool air (the CPU is not heating up). I think it's a failsafe to ramp up the cooling in case of a fault.
On 06/28/2015 01:41 AM, Tim wrote:
On Sat, 2015-06-27 at 13:21 -0600, jd1008 wrote:
I noticed that during the installation of fc20, the air coming out of the exhaust vent was almost scalding if I kept my finger there for about a minute or so. By scalding, I mean if I had touched a metal surface of that temperature for say 30 seconds, I would have felt some pain.
Also, I noticed that the cooling fan remained at normal operating speed, instead of spinning faster, as I usually hear it spin fast for about a few seconds when I power it on.
So, I am not sure whether the problem is the fan or the cpu.
I can't say that I've ever felt air come out of a system that was too hot to keep my fingers in. So I think there is something to be concerned about.
Rarely has my laptop ever revved up to full blast, and even then it was just toasty on the fingers. There was a nasty hot plastic smell, though, if it went full pelt (there were about five fan speeds; ranging from near silent, quiet whirr with barely warm air, mildly noisy with comfortably warm air, that might be expected during normal use, then one or two more hotter ones that I rarely ever experienced).
Installs very rarely went full blast, you might get a few seconds of highly intensive computations, while dependencies were worked, but it would drop down again shortly. Web browsing could cause problems much more often, with pages that had Flash video going bonkers, or bad scripting. The fan would go full blast as the CPU heated up. Again, never got to the point where it might cause me any skin damage from the hot air.
Computers have a couple of ways of not overheating, that may be used in conjunction; such as slowing the CPU down so it generates less heat, or speeding up the fan to dissipate more. This may be automatic, there may be preferences as to what you'd prefer (such as staying quieter as a preference, so it slows the CPU down first, then ramps up the fan speed, rather than speed up the fan, then slow down the CPU). You could look in the BIOS for cool and quite options, to see if you can influence anything.
If you are getting hot air blasting out, I'd be inclined to believe that the heatsink is attached and working. If it weren't attached well, I'd expect inadequate heat dispersion from the airflow, and the CPU to overheat and shutdown (or burn out).
If the fan seems to run without a struggle, I'd expect that the fan is okay. Its the computer that changes the fan speed, so a lack of proper fan speed changes would suggest the controller rather than the fan. Perhaps the thermal sensor isn't working well? Do you have another OS you can easily try on it (e.g. a live disk).
Hi Tim, Last night, I did indeed try the fc20 full install DVD in rescue mode. I simply went into the shell and ran
while true; do ls -laR / done
When I got up in this morning, it had panic'ed in the same way as the image I uploaded at sendspace.com.
On my laptop, if I leave it in the BIOS (interrupting the boot-up), the fans will eventually go fast, though blowing cool air (the CPU is not heating up). I think it's a failsafe to ramp up the cooling in case of a fault.